
6th SBP Congress: On the future of sport and sports business in Europe

An international look at the current problems, presentation of new trends, exchange of experiences between representatives of the world of sport and sports business from Poland and Europe – all this awaits the participants of the 6th Sport Business Poland Congress, which will be held on November 21-22 at the Hilton Warsaw City.

The date of the November Sport Business Poland Congress is not accidental. As the end of the year approaches, it is the best time to summarize the last months, but also to consider plans for the upcoming 2024, especially since we have a year of sports emotions ahead of us.

The Sport Business Poland event calendar focuses on three main events – two Congresses and the Sport For Brands conference. During the March Congress, invited experts debated what awaits Polish sport in the coming months and how to contribute to its development. In turn, the autumn edition of the Congress will be a kind of finale of this year’s SBP events. As part of the meeting, the organizers want not only to verify previous predictions but also to compare them with the experiences of European industry representatives.

The program for the next Congress is available now. The event agenda was created in cooperation with the SBP Program Council which consists of over 70 experts who play the most important roles in Polish sports and sports business. In line with the organization’s mission, the division into 5 thematic sections corresponding to the specific industry sectors has been maintained. The basis of the 6th Congress will be a discussion about the future of European sport, new trends, and the opportunities offered by digital transformation and digitalisation.

The topics discussed include issues related to the problems the environment is still facing, such as building attendance (debate ‘Building attendance at sports events – how can various disciplines effectively reach their fans, create untypical promotion activities and finally, reach their goals?’), or the efficiency of sponsorship activities (debate ‘Is sports sponsorship an efficient tool for brands to achieve selling, promotion and social targets and how to measure its efficiency?’).

The agenda included the issue of upcoming major sporting events. During the opening debate of the section for Sports Sponsors, invited experts will consider how the Olympic Games and EURO 2024 will affect brand sponsorship activities, project activation and the use of sports in communication with recipients.

As announced by the Organizers, the 6th edition of the Sport Business Poland Congress is to provide the opportunity to learn about new perspectives, therefore, both speakers and participants can expect the presence of representatives of the environment from all over Europe. This will undoubtedly be an excellent opportunity for substantive development, but also for expanding the network of professional contacts.

For more information about the Congress and tickets, visit the SBP Website.

Event Partners:

Strategic Partners: Enea, Trefl

Main Partners: Blachotrapez, Grupa PGE, #PijKranówkę (MPWiK Wrocław), Totalizator Sportowy

Partners: DNA ERA, FRENZY, MEETING15, Proxymedia Films, SPORTFIVE, Superbet Polska, STELLIS, Unia Metropolii Polskich,

Section Partners: Aktywne Miasta, Sponsoring Insight,

Media Partners: Interplay.pl, Money.pl, SportMarketing.pl, WP SportoweFakty,

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