
Revolutionising football through Web3 and blockchain: A collaboration between Johan Cruyff Institute, Zetly.io and BSV Blockchain

At a time when the intersection of sport and cutting-edge technology is defining the future, Johan Cruyff Institute is teaming up with Zetly.io and BSV Blockchain to present a groundbreaking webinar series. Designed for students, alumni, clients, current employees and prospective talent at the world’s leading football clubs, these webinars aim to unravel the potential impact of web3 and blockchain on the sports industry. Featuring renowned industry experts and coaches specialising in marketing, sales and blockchain technology, the series will explore the transformative power of these innovations.

Watch the webinar series:

Joint BSV and Zetly webinar series kickoff:

The series begins with an engaging introduction to web3 and the fundamentals of blockchain technology. It sheds light on the evolution from Web2 to Web3 and explains why blockchain is poised to reshape the football industry.

Title: “Football’s Digital Revolution: Navigating the Web3 Seas with Johan Cruyff Institute”

In a far-reaching initiative that promises to reshape the future of football, Johan Cruyff Institute, in collaboration with ZETLY.IO and BSV Blockchain, will unravel the intricacies of Web3 and blockchain technologies. This comprehensive webinar series, entitled ‘Football’s Digital Revolution’, invites enthusiasts, professionals and clubs to embark on a transformative journey into the heart of the Web3 era.
The series kicks off with an insightful webinar entitled ‘Charting the Course: Introduction to Web3 and Blockchain Basics.’ Participants will be guided through the evolution from Web2 to Web3, gaining insight into the fundamental concepts that underpin the impending revolution in the football industry. The session will conclude with an exploration of why blockchain is poised to be the catalyst for change in the sports industry.

As the series progresses, participants will be immersed in ‘Tech Unleashed: Unlocking Web3 Technology for Football Clubs’. This deep dive into the Web3 technology landscape will explore the role of cloud computing, edge computing and data centres. Security and privacy considerations, scalability and infrastructure requirements will be unravelled, providing football clubs with the essential knowledge needed to navigate the Web3 landscape.

The third session, ‘Data in Play: Maximising Data Potential in Web3 for Football Clubs’, aims to uncover the power of data in the Web3 era. Participants will be equipped with strategies for efficient data collection, storage and integration. Real-world applications of secure data management in sports clubs, enhanced by blockchain, will highlight the importance of harnessing data in the new digital age.
In the subsequent webinar ‘Embrace the Change: Benefits and Strategy of Web3 for Football Clubs”, football clubs will explore the decentralisation, transparency and security benefits of Web3. Strategies for fan engagement and monetisation will be presented, providing clubs with a comprehensive approach to integrating Web3 technologies into their operations.

‘Navigating the Future: Web3 Integration and Outlook’. This webinar will guide football clubs through creating a social media strategy for Web3 integration, exploring marketing and communication tactics and envisioning a future dominated by Web3. The evolution of fan engagement and monetisation models will be explored, accompanied by strategies for sustainable growth.

The series concludes with ‘Challenges, Considerations and Business Models’, where the focus shifts to identifying the challenges of implementing Web3 for football clubs. Discussions will focus on subscription-based models, sponsorship and advertising opportunities, and the use of data to generate revenue. The webinar series will conclude with final thoughts, wrap-up and actionable next steps, leaving attendees ready to embark on their Web3 journey.

In the dynamic landscape of football, Johan Cruyff Institute’s webinar series promises not only to demystify Web3 and blockchain, but to equip participants with the strategies needed to thrive in this digital age. Register now and be part of football’s digital revolution.

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